Author Archives: Andy

Australia Day weekend in Halls Gap

Despite living in Victoria all of my life, I have never actually visited Halls Gap until recently. Booking a luxury residence for the Australia Day weekend (26th January), I headed up to the Grampians with my trusty Cannon. The wild … Continue reading

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Masons Falls

Today’s weather in Melbourne was an absolutely gorgeous 29 degrees centigrade. So I thought I would hop in the car and take myself to Masons falls for a beautiful afternoon stroll. A work colleague had mentioned Masons falls to me … Continue reading

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Bayes’ Theorem

Bayes’ Theorem describes the probability of an event, based on prior knowledge that may be related to that event. The theorem was named after Reverend Thomas Bayes, who put forward an equation that allows new evidence to update beliefs. The Bayes’ Theorem is … Continue reading

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What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a subcategory of artificial intelligence. Machine learning applies statistical techniques to learn from a set of examples. It is all about learning from example. The most common form of machine learning is supervised machine learning. Supervised learning … Continue reading

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Procs, Blocks and Lambdas

I was contemplating writing my own piece on the difference between ruby Blocks, Procs And Lambdas in an attempt to solidify my understanding. However, I found these two excellent articles that do a much better job than I could possibly … Continue reading

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Programming Language Trends

I stumbled upon Programming Language Trends by Drew Conway by accident today. The end result is a funky visualisation of the popularity of programming languages by looking at their usage on Github and StackOverflow. I found it interesting and thought others may also. … Continue reading

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The Ride to Conquer Cancer 2013

In 2012, I was diagnosed with Melanoma. Melanoma is very dangerous if not found early. Fortunately mine was found early and was a Clark Level I Melanoma. I since made a full recovery. Cancer is something has touched many of my friends … Continue reading

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